What is UCI's DREAM Center?

What is UCI's DREAM Center?

Undocumented students face a variety of obstacles nationwide because of their status. Their status makes them ineligible for federal aid, and in some states they are unable to get a driver's license, which makes it hard to attain a form of identification. To overcome these challenges, UCI’s DREAM Center focuses on serving the community affected by immigration policies. The center actively works on dismantling and deconstructing oppressive policies, advancing systemic change, and providing a community and resources to those affected, specifically undocumented students and their families. You can find a list of resources, and contact information below: 

Academic Resources: 

DREAM Scholars - With the help of Student Success Initiatives, this program is intended to provide students with personalized attention to help improve their academic performance, network with staff and students, and introduce them to research opportunities. In order to participate in this program, you must be currently undocumented and in your first year (freshman or transfer) at UCI, and attend a weekly seminar. 

DREAM Scholar Plus - This program is the same as DREAM Scholars, and provides students with the same opportunities. However, this program is for students who are sophomores or above. Unlike DREAM Scholars, the DREAM Scholars Plus does not require that students attend weekly seminars. 

Social Support: 

UndocuEater Support Group - This support group is run by a trained member of the Counseling Center, and serves as a space for students to share what is going on in their personal lives and build community. 

UndocuArt Collective - This group allows for undocumented students to expand their creativity and art skills. Students meet weekly, work on their art, chat, listen to music, and build community. 

SAFIRE (Students Advocating for Immigrant Rights and Equity) - This group provides support and resources for undocumented, DACA, and AB540 students. The goal is to raise awareness on issues affecting the undocumented community, as well as diversifying the image of undocumented students.  

Professional Development: 

DREAM Project Fellowship - This program allows for students without work authorization to gain professional skills by interning at a UCI location. This allows for students to gain insight on careers, expand their skills, and the opportunity to gain a mentor, as well as financial compensation. 

Scholars in Residence - This program is intended to provide students with professional development and postgraduate preparation. This is done through the help of undocumented graduate students who mentor undergraduate undocumented students and help with graduate applications, resume reviews, and much more! 

If you are interested in learning more about the DREAM Center and their services, please do not hesitate to contact their staff, who are more happy to help out! 

Visit the DREAM Center website

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